

加拿大移民法很複雜,選擇正確的簽證途徑對於打算在這裡工作和居住的企業家至關重要。 加拿大為專業人士提供兩種主要的簽證:臨時簽證和永久居留簽證。 對於那些尋求快速進入加拿大市場的申請人來說,申請該國的臨時簽證可能是一個更可取的選擇。 本文探討了適用於企業家的三種重要的臨時商務簽證,包括公司內部派遣(ICT),創業簽證和基於所有者/運營者LMIA的商務簽證。 相關的資格要求、限制和優勢總結如下。


顧名思義,臨時簽證/許可證的有效期會有一定的期限要求,必須續簽才能繼續在加拿大居住和工作。 臨時簽證是一些專業人士的優先選擇。 通常,它們更容易申請,並且往往會被更快地批准。


永久居民簽證使您可以在加拿大獲得永久居民權身份,因此您可以在加拿大長期工作生活。 對於計劃長期在加拿大定居並最終獲得加拿大國籍的企業家來說,這是一個不錯的選擇。 企業家在計劃 移居加拿大時可以同時考慮其他機會,比如購買該國的相關企業的特許經營權,申請創業簽證或省提名計劃。


Intra-Company Transferee Work Visa (ICT) 跨國公司內部派遣工作簽證 

該簽證最適合已經在海外開展業務並希望在加拿大建立相關新業務的企業家。 該簽證允許企業家移居加拿大並在加拿大建立新企業。 想要獲得ICT工作簽證的企業家必須在加拿大註冊公司,出示營業地址證明(可以是律師事務所),並提供詳細的商業計劃,包括財務預測和人事建議。 現有的外國業務也必須在該國連續經營至少12個月。 如果滿足這些條件,申請人則可能獲得一年的工作簽證。

ICT簽證的一個重要條件是,該企業必須在加拿大一年之內運營起來。 雖然具體條件會因公司而有所不同,但這通常意味著公司要僱用至少一名新員工並在加國設有辦事處。 可能還要求企業所有者證明公司正在履行合同訂單,持有庫存並具有收入來源。


  • 企業主(公司高管/專才)在申請之前已經在外國公司工作了至少12個月。
  • 在加拿大成立新公司。


  • 沒有最低投資額要求,但外國公司(或企業所有者)必須在其銀行帳戶中顯示足夠的資金以在加拿大開展業務。 我們建議申請人出示至少$150,000-$ 200,000加幣的資金。


  • 境外公司的註冊及股權證明
  • 境外公司的業務證明(例如,稅收、銀行帳單、財務報表、許可證、公司租賃合同、員工保險/工資單據、市場營銷材料、合同等)
  • 申請人的個人文件(教育文憑、雇主信、護照、結婚證書、護照照片、銀行帳單、公司所有權證明或公司就職證明)
  • 加拿大公司的商業計劃書(可以由加拿大律師提供)


  • 1 ~ 2年
  • 如果符合一定條件,可以申請續簽


  • 家庭成員可以加入主申請人。 配偶可以申請開放性工作簽證。 孩子則申請學生簽證,並可能免費上公立學校。


  • 申請人和家庭成員在簽證有效期內可以獲得免費的醫療保健。


  • 通常為1到3個月(取決於文件收集和審批的加拿大大使館)


  • 申請人可以根據自己的業務和語言技能,選擇不同的永久居留申請

Owner/Operator LMIA-based work visas企業所有者/經營者工作簽證

該工作簽證適用於希望在加拿大購買業務或建立新業務並在該業務中擔任管理職位的業務專業人士。 通常,這些企業家的目標是永久移民加拿大。獲得此簽證的申請人將成為其加拿大公司的雇員。這意味著公司必須證明其可以向申請人支付符合加拿大相關工資要求的工資。

申請通常分為兩個步驟。 首先,企業家必須向加拿大就業和技能發展辦公室(ESDC)申請,以獲得積極的勞工市場影響評估(LMIA)。 一旦他們收到了積極的LMIA,申請人就可以申請有效期最長為2年的工作簽證。 獲得工作簽證后,大多數情況下,申請人將可以通過快速入境計劃申請永久居留權。

*此類工作簽證為商務專業人士申請快速入境(Express Entry)永久移民加拿大增加機會。 *


  • 企業家在加拿大企業中擁有控股權。


  • 沒有最低投資額要求,但是加拿大公司必須在其銀行帳戶中顯示其有足夠的資金來支付外國雇員的薪水(我們建議大約15萬至20萬加幣)。


  • 申請人對加拿大公司所有權的證明(比如,註冊文件、股票購買協定 )
  • 加拿大公司的資金證明(比如,公司銀行帳單)
  • 加拿大業務證明(比如,市場營銷材料、公司網站、合同、發票)
  • 申請人的個人文件(教育文憑、工作證明、護照、結婚證書、護照照片、銀行帳單、業務及管理經驗的證明等)
  • 加拿大公司的商業計劃書(可以由加拿大律師提供)


  • 1 ~ 2年
  • 如果符合一定條件,可以申請續簽


  • 家庭成員可以加入主申請人。 配偶可以申請開放性工作簽證。 孩子則申請學生簽證,並可能免費上公立學校。


  • 申請人和家庭成員在簽證有效期內可以獲得免費醫療保健。


  • 通常為2個月(取決於文件收集和審批的加拿大大使館)


  • 申請永久居留加拿大的機會很大

Significant Benefit Work Visa重大利益工作簽證 

此簽證(C-11 簽證)適合擁有獨特業務或專業商務知識的企業家,同時,重大利益工作簽證也適用於藝術家、體壇人士和投資者。申請人需要展示他們的業務或計劃專案對加拿大社會、文化或經濟上的有益貢獻。





  • 企業家擁有提供獨特商品/服務的業務,並打算在加拿大拓展業務


  • 在加拿大成立公司,並證明其預期的業務將為加拿大永久居民或公民帶來經濟、社會或文化利益


  • 沒有最低投資額要求,但外國公司(或企業所有者)必須在其銀行帳戶中顯示足夠的資金以在加拿大開始運營(我們建議大約15萬至20萬加幣)


  • 外國公司的註冊或所有權文件
  • 業務成就或專業知識的獨特性證明(例如,專利申請、新聞文章、草圖、營銷材料等)
  • 申請人的文件(教育文憑、僱傭信函、護照、結婚證、護照照片、銀行對帳單、商業經驗證明和表彰,如獎品、新聞文章、國際聘任書等)
  • 加拿大公司的商業計劃(可以由加拿大的律師提供)


  • 1 ~ 2年,可續簽


  • 家庭成員可以加入主申請人。 配偶可以申請開放性工作簽證。 孩子則申請學生簽證,並可能免費上公立學校。


  • 申請人和家庭成員在簽證有效期內可以獲得免費醫療保健。


  • 通常為1個月(取決於文件收集和審批的加拿大大使館)


  • 取決於申請人的語言水平,可以有不同的途徑申請永久居留加拿大




  • 如果您想通過此計劃移民加拿大,則需要獲得加拿大風險投資基金,天使投資人集團或企業孵化器的支持。
  • 加拿大風險投資基金,天使投資人集團或企業孵化器必須是加拿大政府指定的參與企業家創業簽證計劃的機構。


  • 如果投資來自指定的加拿大風險投資基金,則必須確保最低投資額為200,000加元。
  • 如果投資來自指定的加拿大天使投資人集團,則必須獲得最低投資額為75,000加元。
  • 如果您被加拿大企業孵化器計劃所接納,則無投資額要求。


  • 通常為12到16個月



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Our Clients Say…

Yemi Okunbor
Yemi Okunbor
From the initial consultation to the successful acquisition of my permanent resident card, the entire process was seamless and stress free.A big thank you to the entire Sobirovs team, especially Yulia, and Farouk. They demonstrated exceptional expertise and professionalism throughout, guiding me with precision and clarity. Their commitment to providing personalized and thorough assistance made a significant impact on my overall experience. Thank you, Sobirovs law firm for your exceptional service and for making my journey to permanent residency a smooth and gratifying experience.
Kenneth Leong
Kenneth Leong
I must say that SOBIROVS has an excellent team to guide us to getting our work permits approved. I want to personally thank Feruza, Judy, Owen and Medina in getting us "pass the gates". Not to mention the entire team that is behind the scene. My family and I are deeply grateful for their excellent work and professional advice. A special thanks to Ms Judy for her untiring dedication to making this opportunity a reality for my family and I. We have full confidence in Feruza and her team and I will continue to use their services for the next step of our application for PR status later on.
Siarhei Vasilyeu
Siarhei Vasilyeu
My family (5) have chosen Sobirovs for our ICT visa application, and now we confidently recommend them! Right from the start you will be assigned a special team within their firm who will be busy with your plans, needs and documents. The process is organized very efficiently, what is crucial when you run your own business on your side. Once the documents submitted to IRCC, the pre-submission team entrust your case to post-submission group, who monitor the progress and keep you constantly updated what's going on with the case. As a result, our ICT application was approved in just several weeks from submission, just wooow. Thank you and thumbs up for Monique, Mariam, Owen, Madina, and Ms. Feruza who was our lead lawyer. Sobirovs is your smart choice, they know how to do the rest.
Muzammil Habib
Muzammil Habib
I would like to thanks Sobirovs Law Firm team especially Monique, Mariiam Jamal, Owen and Ms. Feroza. They done a great job and help me to get ICT work permit. Their team work was excllent and they worked professionally. Here I would like to present my special thanks for Monique who communicated with me nicely. She respond me quickly whatever I have questions in my mind. She is so nice I like her working style. In the end I can say that all of them are really professional. Thanks for all this. Hope to see you soon.
Rahul C
Rahul C
Exceptional service of the utmost quality and professionalism. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the entire team, with special acknowledgments to Nity, Judy, Feruza, Owen, and Medina, for their invaluable assistance in securing the approval of my application. I am sincerely appreciative of the outstanding service and unwavering support provided. This is by far the best immigration law firms in Canada who work with complete transparency.
Ulugbek Holmatov
Ulugbek Holmatov
Great job 👏👏👏👏 Great leader, Rakhmad Sobirov for his leadership skills and great managers: Feruza, Monique, Mariam, Owen, Madina for their respective professionalism 👌👌👌 Well organized and professional law team for Canadian immigration. I really enjoyed with my Canadian business visa process. I really appreciate Sobirovs Law firm for their great service and experience. P.S.: This law firm was selected by Our company among top 5 law firms for Canadian business immigration process Great successes🎉
Thomas Bulmer
Thomas Bulmer
Mariam, Monique and the team have been great to work with. Sobirov's has helped a number of our team members identify, apply for and get granted the necessary visas for us to set up our Canadian enterprise. Recommend.
Jason Tsarouhas
Jason Tsarouhas
Mariam and her team have helped us migrate our entire workforce from Australia to Canada. We couldn't have been more prepared by the time we made it to the border. The team were accessible, informative and detail orientated which is exactly what you want when you have stresses of moving your company and life to the other side of the world! A HUGE thank you to the team for their efforts so far and future work we'll be doing together! Jason, Learning Online!
Victor Arakaki
Victor Arakaki
We're incredibly grateful for the fantastic work done by the entire Sobirovs team!. While our work permit application had its share of challenges, Feruza, an outstanding lawyer with extensive expertise in business immigration, played a pivotal role. Her leadership and guidance were so important in getting our Work Permits approval. We must also acknowledge the exceptional contributions of Judy Lee, Nitty, Monique, Rachel and the rest of the team who supported us on this journey. It's clear that we'll continue to entrust Feruza and her team with any of our future legal needs. We have full confidence in Feruza and her team and highly recommend their services.
Hardik Vyas
Hardik Vyas
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I cannot express enough how impressed and satisfied I am with Sobirovs Law Firm's immigration services. Their professionalism and extensive knowledge in the field of immigration are truly outstanding. We recently applied for an ICT (Intra-Company Transfer) application, and to our amazement, we received a decision within just two months from the date of application. This prompt and efficient service reflects the exceptional quality of Sobirovs' work. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Feruza, Mariam, Monique, Owen, and the entire post-submission team who guided us through every step of the application process. Their dedication, expertise, and willingness to assist were invaluable throughout the entire journey. We are now filled with excitement as we embark on our new journey, thanks to Sobirovs Law Firm's assistance. Without a doubt, we will be relying on their services for all our future matters related to permanent residency or immigration services. I wholeheartedly recommend Sobirovs Law Firm to anyone seeking top-notch immigration assistance. Their commitment to their clients and their ability to deliver results is truly commendable. Thank you, Sobirovs, for making our dreams a reality!


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