One of the best florist shops in Vancouver is for sale. This business specializes in fresh new designs and a gorgeous selection of bouquets for everyday celebrations, corporate events, weddings and memorials. It is located in downtown Vancouver and enjoys high foot and vehicle traffic. Along with high-quality, locally grown flowers, the business also sells lush potted plans and a unique collection of pottery, crystals, and artisan gifts. The owner is looking to sell the business because they are retiring. In addition, the owner is willing to stay on and train the new owner to familiarize them with suppliers and clients.
This florist shop for sale currently employs one full-time and one part-time employee but is primarily led by the owner. The owner purchases the flowers and develops the arrangement designs. In addition, the owner also maintains the business’ strong online presence, which includes an online store and Instagram page. The store is open from Tuesday to Saturday between 11:00 am and 6 pm and closed on Sundays and Mondays. Finally, the store is currently on a month-to-month lease. The new owner will have an opportunity to negotiate a new long-term lease.
Business Type: Florist shop
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Asking Price: $245,000, which includes $14,000 worth of inventory
Ideal Investor Fit: Someone with a passion/interest in flowers and/or design as well as sales and marketing experience.
Reason for Selling: Owner is retiring
Listed By: NAI Commercial