Completing an application for a Start-Up Visa in Canada involves several steps. A mistake in any one of these steps could negatively affect your application.
Common Reasons for a Start-Up Visa Program Denial
Failing to provide all required documents
It is important that entrepreneur applicants carefully follow the document checklist provided in the application packet to avoid any missing requirements. Many applications may be denied or delayed because of a failure to provide all necessary supporting documentation with the application. Besides, your immigration lawyer should analyze what other documents not mentioned in the government’s checklist may support your application and consider including those documents, too.
Failing to provide accurate financial documents
Applicants must provide proof of finances and have the financial means necessary to maintain a business and the cost of living in Canada.
Failing to meet standards of international security
Police clearance forms must be obtained, and a background check must be conducted and passed for an applicant to be considered. Before granting you entry to Canada, you must prove that you will not be a security risk if admitted into Canada.
Failing to fulfill health requirements
You will need to prove that you are not a danger to public safety, a danger to public health, or an excessive demand for available social or health services. This will generally require performing an immigration medical exam with results included with your application.
Failing to prove Canadian language competency
The Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) determines English or French competency. Exam scores must be sufficient and submitted along with the application.
Failing to include a letter of support from a designated organization in Canada
This requirement must be met before an applicant begins completing the application process.
Misrepresenting Yourself
Finally, one of the surest ways to cause your application to be denied is by misrepresenting yourself, altering documents, or otherwise.
How to Avoid Having Your Application Denied
Follow the Application Instructions
Applicants can avoid denials by following instructions carefully, using the required document checklist provided in the application packet, and ensuring that all application requirements are complete before submission.
Avoid Using Unregulated Immigration Consultants or Visa Agents
It is also important to avoid advisement by unregulated consultant firms offering free visa evaluations or guaranteed employment opportunities. Fraudulent activity by these organizations often results in application denial and theft of identity, banking, and credit card information.
Seek Professional Help
Seeking professional help when applying for a Canadian Start-Up Visa is essential to avoid any mistakes that may result in denial. The decisive factor in avoiding common mistakes and improving your chances of being approved for a Start-Up Visa may often be to hire an experienced business immigration lawyer, like the lawyers at Sobirovs Law Firm, to help you. Our team can help you avoid mistakes, ensure compliance with all requirements, help connect you with potential investors to support your business plan, and walk you through every step of the application process. Get started today by contacting our firm.