Use our Fee Calculator to estimate the total cost of your immigration application.
This tool only estimates the total legal cost based on your input. The total cost generated by the tool includes the lawyer’s legal fees, all taxes, disbursements and government fees related to your immigration application.*
Important notes about our fees:
Our legal fees can be refundable if we cannot achieve a desirable result for you.
If you think our fees are high, think about it this way:
- Your cost of immigration to Canada with us is limited to the total fees that you see on this screen;
- However, your total cost can be unlimited and drastically impact your family, business and life if you choose inexperienced service providers.
- What you get with our fees is the certainty of total cost and peace of mind knowing that if the desired result is not achieved, we will return your money.
Here’s What To Do Next?
Schedule a time for a 1-hour strategy meeting with us.